Owoye Olugbenga
3 min readNov 29, 2019


Problems caused by your financial matrix ?

Firstly , what is Financial Matrix ?

The Financial Matrix is the best, most effective system the elites have employed to control the masses. Because it is difficult to detect, the Financial Matrix easily seduces people into willingly enslaving themselves with debt. (Orrin Woodward).

Let me break it down.

Government matrix,
When inflation is combined with the increased personal and national debts (which increase taxes), you can see why the masses across the civilized and developing world struggle to make ends meet.

Indeed, the government-sponsored fractional reserve banking (FRB) system allows banks to partner with central banks to create the majority of society’s money (debt-money) out of thin air. Shockingly, the FRB system permits the banks to create debt money but forces the borrower to pay it back with real assets earned through real production. In essence, artificial dollars (debt money) is created by banks to loan to people who pay the loan and the interest back in real dollars.

In reality, the Financial Matrix relies upon the unsuspecting people’s Financial Literacy ignorance.
Indeed, few understand how money is created even though it is hidden from them. Rather, most people do not like to think upon issues that threaten them so they choose the easy approach of working 8-10 hours per day for 40 plus years wondering why it seems they have to work harder every year for less gain.

Haven't you noticed that :

Productivity increases around the world and yet the masses get broker and no one seems to know why.
Then, paradoxically, we demand our government to help us even though they are the ones supporting the cartel(the elites) hurting us.
This would be like demanding a bully’s right arm to defend us from the bully’s left arm currently pummeling us.
Do you really think that is going to work?

There is one thing, however, that the people could do. If they did so, it could change everything. Not just for themselves but for our nation.

Get out of DEBT and stay out of DEBT!

When the masses awake and learn Financial Literacy, I can promise changes will be seen.

For only then will the people stop enslaving themselves for things they do not truly need.

Now the question is how deep are you in this financial matrix?

Its amazing how most people think they do not need a financial adviser or financial planner in their personal lives or business.

You are doing more harm to yourself.

My advice :
Get your finances in check and live a happier life.



Orrin Woodward (financial matrix)




Owoye Olugbenga

Business analyst | Investment analyst | Billionaire mindset